On Friday December 16th Zen was invited to perform at the Hyatt Regency Huntington Beach Resort & Spa for a company holiday party put on by social media giant Myspace. About 450 employees and guests were treated to booze, bites, and burlesque, put on by yours truly, upon a stage set in the round in the ballroom of the luxury seaside resort.

Channeling their inner French cabaret, the Zen girls were dressed appropriately inappropriate for the Parisian-themed event. Our trio of sexy Zen burlesque dancers donned black and white bikini-style ensembles adorned with ruffles and sparkly fringe, paired with a set of fishnet stockings and feather headbands…leaving the room full of spectators with little on their lips other than a hungering “oui oui.” Meanwhile our amazing contortionist, aerial silk artist, and fire-dancers wore specially made black and red Parisian-style corsets complete with hot pants and black boots…stepping straight out of the Moulin Rouge.

Myspace was recently acquired by digital advertising company Specific Media LLC. and pop superstar Justin Timberlake for approximately $35 million. Amid declining followers since 2008, the former social media frontrunner has changed through many hands since its 2003 launch. In 2005 media giant Newscorp bought the company for $580 million, riding its popularity for 3 successful years, until Facebook surpassed Myspace in users in 2008. By June of 2011, the company had suffered severe cut-backs and layoffs, with its former 2009 workforce of 1600 whittled down to only 200. Timberlake and Specific have plans to revamp the suffering site to bring users back, as well as focus on its popularity as a music platform, being the only social media site contracted with all four major record labels. On Bloomberg West, Specific CEO Tim Vanderhook released this statement in regards to the future of the site: “Facebook is what I did yesterday, Twitter is what I’m doing right now, and what Myspace will be is what I’m going to be in the future.”

For pictures of the event head to the media gallery here, and also be sure to check out webzine BizBash’s coverage of the event.

Here’s a video of the event…

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